Friday, May 15, 2009

CORE Leadership Team Meeting of May 14, 2009

CORE Coalition Leadership Team Meeting of May 14, 2009

Participants: Linda Hadden, Linda Van Sistine-Yost, Margaret Marshall, Ginny Orvedahl, Mike Taylor, Mark Livingston

· Purchasing Task Force Survey and Action Plan
· CORE Strategy Map and Plan
· July Strategy Review and FY 10 Planning


Today’s main agenda topic focused on the purchasing survey conducted by Mike Taylor, Linda Hadden, and Tammy Fulcher (members of the CORE Purchasing Task Force). Purchasing survey results were compiled by the Task Force and released to the CLT in April.

Margaret volunteered that downloadable audio books had seen an increase at her library. This growth in demand was consistent with survey responses that identified audio books as the best area to leverage consortium purchasing power. Linda, Ginny, and Linda also indicated a greater interest in this area. Linda Van Sistine-Yost indicated the need to bring internal staff up-to-speed on how to help patrons access this technology and service.

Mike has had preliminary discussions with several vendors and asked the CLT several questions to help shape the negotiating position: (1) would we allow library systems outside CORE to participate? (2) what would we head if a vendor wanted a central agent for billing purposes? (3) should we release the survey report to all CORE libraries?

The group responded by affirming the need to release the survey to all CORE libraries and to allow other libraries and systems outside CORE to participate. The CLT asked Mike to communicate the need to have individual library billing due to the complexity involved in having one library serve as a central agent or to set up a financial structure as a 501(c)3 non-profit (for example). The analogy was offered of having 30 people together at a restaurant and asking the owner/manager to “split the ticket” among guests. The possibility of having NCLA or NCPLDA take on this function always exists once initial start-up of the process proves successful.

Mike said he would take this information forward in ongoing discussions later this month and invited Linda H. to join in. Mike and Linda will provide an update and revised action plan at the July 9 strategy review session in Raleigh.

In the next agenda item, discussion was held about updating the CORE One Page Strategy Map and Plan (located on Google Docs). Ginny and Pam Jaskot have updated the Advocacy Development Action Plan.

Mike and Linda will update the Purchasing Task Force Plan.

The CORE Technology Plan has been developed as part of the LSTA Grant Application by Perry Library (results to be announced mid-June).

There is a need one year after initial development to review the CORE Strategy Map and plan for the top 3-4 initiatives to be led by the Coalition Leadership Team during fiscal year 2009-2010.

In particular, there is a need to develop an approach to develop more interest and “loyal promoters” from libraries in eastern NC to get involved in CORE activities and help implement the Strategy Map and Plan’s initiatives and goals.

It was decided to schedule a CORE Coalition Leadership Team meeting in Raleigh at the State Library on Thursday, July 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

A room was reserved for the CORE CLT by Jennifer Pratt on Thursday, May 14 (Jennifer was planning to attend the teleconference but called into a budget meeting at the last minute).

Action Items to Complete (in preparation for the July 9 Strategy Review):

Send reminder / confirm attendance (Mark….by June 19).
Revise Purchasing Action Plan and update next steps for meeting (Mike/Linda H.)
Review Advocacy Action Plan and update next steps for meeting (Ginny/Pam J.)
Review Best Practices Action Plan and update next steps for meeting (Linda VSY/Jackie F.)
Document CORE Technology Action Plan and update next steps for meeting (Mark/Dr.Burgin if LSTA grant approved).
Document Loyal Promoter Action Plan and update next steps for meeting (Mark)
Think about next edition of CORE e-letter (all)